It goes without saying, that the HOlidays can be very stressful for lovers and their partners. Add to the mix that both are over exposed public personalities, the simpliest and most joyful activities, such as having your HOliday photos taken together can turn as ugly as a Rosie and Donald, you're uglier than me mud flinging event. Although the first photo is the final product that was sent to the friends and family of this loving couple, we have uncovered other photos from the shoot that suggests the real drama and reality of day to day life of this couple and who they really are when the camera is not snapping. They just can't seem to help themselves.
This first HOliday photo is the final product chosen by the happy couple. They look happy here, but are they really?

This rejected photo by the couple seems to reveal some envy and hostility.

Everytime you hear a bell ring, a closeted queen gets her wish
Everytime a drag queen gets her bell rung, it ain't long until she starts getting a fat head

And then the paranoia sets in..........

And then, it gets just down right nasty.......

And then the ultimate denial..........LOL

Let us end this holiday greeting with the loving photo that started it all.
Happy Holidays to you all, and to all a good night....until tomorrow.....When we'll do this again with another favorite escorts HOliday card....

oops!!!! LOL!

oops!!!! LOL!
Maybe this will help you all sleep.......